
Registration link (Opened on June 25)

MIRU2024 fully takes place on-site and in-person.

Registration fees

When registering for MIRU2024, the following tiers are available.

(We will prepare nametags for all registrants until July 18th, 14:00. We apologize for the inconvenince, but registrations after this will receive empty name tags where you can add your handwritten name and affiliation.)

Registration CategoryEarly bird (until July 8th, Noon)Standard pricing (until August 9th, Noon)
PRMU or CVIM Members27,500 JPY33,000 JPY
Regular38,500 JPY44,000 JPY
Senior11,000 JPY16,500 JPY
Student (On-site)11,000 JPY16,500 JPY
Student (Online)Free1Free1
1: Only for students who remotely attend and are not (co-)authors of any presentation at the event.
  • Any paid registration allows for both on-site and online attendence, so you are able to, e.g., attend one day in person and another remotely. However, note that a “Student (Remote)” registration only allows for online participation.
  • Note, that only the single session at the main hall will be available through streaming. Interactive session and other social events can only be participated in-person.
  • All prices include taxes. If you register, you will receive the “Extended Abstracts” of the event in digital format. Any registration can participate all sessions, including tutorials.

Registration Categories

In order to understand which registration categories you may be eligible for, please refer to the instructions below.

※Note, that if you register for PRMU or CVIM as a standard member before registering for the “PRMU or CVIM Members” category, the total fee is cheaper than just registering for “Regular”.

  • You are eligible for “PRMU or CVIM Members” registration if you are currently member of one of the following:
    1. You are a member of the Special Interest Group on Computer Vision and Image Media (CVIM), Information Processing Society of Japan (including standard member, student member, senior member, or supporting member.)
    2. You are an annual member of Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU) at Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, or you are an annual member of all research groups at Information and Systems Society (ISS) at Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
    3. You are a supporting member of an organization which registered for an organization group which registered for Special Interest Group on Computer Vision and Image Media (CVIM) in 2024. In this case your organization group has a limited amount of registration slots. Please make sure within your organization if the quota is still available.
      • Example: Company A has 5 registrations as supporting members at IPSJ. If 3 registrations are used for CVIM 2024 annual memberships, up to 3 employees of the company can register using the “PRMU or CVIM Members” registration bracket.
  • You are eligible for “Student (Online)” registration if BOTH following points are true. If either point is false, please register for “Student (On-site)”.
    1. You are not an (co-)author of any presentation at this event.
    2. You are only participating remotely.
  • You are eligible for “Senior” registration if you have been 65 years or older on April 1st, 2024.


  • At least one author of each paper must register for a paid participation (“PRMU or CVIM Members” “Regular,” “Student (On-site),” or “Senior”).
  • One regular participant registration can be linked to multiple papers. There is no limit to the number of papers that can be linked. For example, if two students from the same lab each submit a paper as the first author, a supervising co-author should register as a regular participant and link all paper numbers. Students responsible for presentations must register under the “Student (On-site)” category.
  • Please complete the registration linked to all your papers by noon on July 8 (early registration deadline).
  • For the paper number, please enter the Paper ID number displayed in Microsoft CMT. If you forget to enter the Paper ID, please contact Seibu Travel (
  • Please note that cancellations after registration are not possible.
  • The Extended Abstract is a closed document, so please do not redistribute it.

Payment Methods

  • Please make a credit card payment at the time of registration. (The only payment method available is credit card.)
  • For “Student (Online)” registrations, no payment is required as the participation fee is free.

Registration Process

  1. Please enter the required information on the application page and make a credit card payment.
  2. After registration and credit card payment, we will send your registration details via email.
  3. Regarding receipts, you are able to issue receipts yourself from the URL provided in the email. For more details on receipts, please read the FAQ below. (Please note that a “Student (Online)” registration, which is free of charge, does not have a receipt.)
  4. Later, we will send additional details on remote attendance and the download link for the Extended Abstract to your registered email address.


  • Q. About receipts
    • A. A URL for issuing receipts will be sent via email after registration. Please log in with your reception number and password. (Recommended browsers: Latest version of Microsoft Edge, Latest version of Firefox, Latest version of Google Chrome, Latest version of Safari)
      • How to issue a receipt
        1. After logging in, your registration details will be displayed.
        2. Please enter the name and press the “確認する” button.
        3. The confirmation screen will be displayed, so please check the contents and if there are no mistakes, press the “領収書を発行する” button.
        4. The receipt issuance will be completed. The receipt PDF will be displayed in a new window or new tab, so please save the PDF. (If it is not displayed, please check if the popup is locked.)
      • Notes  
        • Parts other than your name and title cannot be changed.
        • In principle, the receipt can only be issued once. The issuance date will be displayed as the date you press the “領収書を発行する” button. If you issue the receipt more than once due to printing issues, it will be marked as reissued, and the issuance date will be updated each time, so please be aware of this in advance. (You can print up to 5 times from the URL. If you cannot issue the receipt after 5 times, please contact
  • Q. Do you accept payment by bank transfer or invoice?
    • A. No, we can only allow payment by credit card.
  • Q. Can you send a sale quotation?
    • A. No, we are not able to.
  • Q. Does the registration include taxes?
    • A. Yes, all registration tiers include 10% sales tax.
  • Q. I am working at a company but am also enrolled at a university (Shakaijin-Doctor). Do I qualify for a student registration?
    • A. Please judge based on your main role when participating the event. If you mainly join to represent your company, it might be better to register a standard registration. However, if you present your research results which are part of your university affiliation, feel free to register as a student. If you are not sure, please inquiry the organization committee via the contact form.
  • Q. Is the banquet fee included in the registration?
    • A. Yes, it is included.
  • Q. What is the exact fee of the banquet?
    • A. As it is calculated as part of the registration fee, we cannot disclose the exact pricing of the banquet.
  • Q. Is it possible to just join the banquet without registering for the event?
    • A. No, only participating the banquet is not possible. Please do a full registration for the event.
  • Q. Are registrations part of the sponsoring bundles allowed to participate the banquet?
    • A. Yes, you can join the banquet.
  • Q. Can you give me an invoice-based receipt?
    • A. Yes, this is possible.
  • Q. I registered for the wrong registration category. What should I do?
    • A. You will need to re-do your registration. Please contact for canceling and refunding the current registration. Afterwards, please re-register in the correct category.
  • Q. I found out I cannot participate the event anymore. Can I refund?
    • A. No, registrations are final and cannot be cancelled.
  • Q. I want to confirm which category to register in.
    • A. Please check the page above. If you have any remaining questions, please reach out to the MIRU2024 organizing committee via the contact form.
  • Q. Is lunch provided?
    • A. Lunch is not provided. However, some events such as sponsor events may provide lunch. Please check the event page for more information.

Accompanying persons

  • Family of a registered participant who is junior high school age or younger can accompany the registrant for free. Note, that we also provide a nursery service for younger participants. Please check the information on the nursery service here.
  • For participants with disabilities, diseases, pregnancy, or similar reasons needing an accompanying person, or if there are other reasons which might make you eligible for an accompanying person, please discuss your circumstances with the organizing team through this contact form.
  • Accompanying persons discussed above do not need to register. Accompanying persons are allowed to join the venue.


  • Inquiries about registration:
  • Inquiries about payment:
    西武トラベル株式会社 セールス&カスタマーサービス部
    〒170-0013東京都豊島区東3-1-5 サンシャインシティプリンスホテル3階
    [Opening times] Mon-Fri 10:00~16:00 (excluding holidays and weekends)


  • MIRU2024 does not compensate for any damages to participants caused by natural disasters or similar.
  • Communication fees required for remote attendance are the responsibility of the participant.
  • The copyrights for presentation materials (including text, images, videos, audio, etc.) belong entirely to the presenter. Reuse, modification, distribution, and broadcasting of these is prohibited.
  • Additionally, at the request of the presenter, capturing and recording may also be prohibited. If such actions or misuse are discovered, the MIRU Committee may ask the individual to refrain from participating for the rest of the conference.

Copyright (c) 2024, MIRU2024; all rights reserved.