Interactive presentation

Presenters of Interactive Presentations

  • Authors of oral papers
  • Authors of poster papers
  • Invited presenters

Time slot

  • One of August 7, 8, or 9 (during the interactive session).
  • You cannot leave your poster up except on the day of your presentation.
  • Please be sure to affix your poster before your presentation time. After your presentation, please remove it by yourself and take it home. If there are any posters left from the previous day, please inform an organizer present at the venue.

Poster specification

  • W900mm x H1800mm (Posters are in the A0 portrait size.)
  • Desks, chairs, and power supplies will not be provided.
  • Please bring your own poster. Posters cannot be carried in and out by courier companies.
  • You can put MIRU Logo on your poster. Click here for more info.


Click here.

Internet Connection in the Venue

  • Free WiFi is available in the venue, but we cannot guarantee the quality of the WiFi due to the low network speed.

Photography by the Audience

  • If you do not want your poster to be photographed in the interactive session, please clearly indicate “No Photography” on your poster.


  • Interactive/Demo chair: Yasutomo Kawanishi (RIKEN GRP)
  • e-mail: yasutomo.kawanishi ( )

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