Award Selection Criteria

  • 2021/11/24 Updated (JP)
  • 2022/6/17 Updated (JP)
  • 2023/9/7 Updated (JP)
  • 2024/1/17 Translation (EN)

MIRU Award Selection Criteria

General rules

Article 1: The award selection for the Japanese Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding (called MIRU onwards) is jointly organized by the Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (PRMU), and the Special Interest Group on Computer Vision and Image Media, Information Processing Society of Japan (CVIM), and is conducted in accordance with the following regulations.

Purpose of award selection

Article 2:

(For paper awards) The award selection as specified in these regulations is intended to select outstanding papers from that year’s MIRU Symposium, and present awards to all authors (including co-authors). This aims to encourage academic research and technological development and promote growth in the target field.

(For the MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award) The MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award is awarded to evaluators who have provided excellent comments on oral presentation track papers from that year’s MIRU Symposium. The aim is improving the quality of paper evaluations.

List of awards

Article 3: The following awards shall be selected. The original Japanese award name is shown in brackets.

  1. MIRU Nagao Award (MIRU長尾賞)
  2. MIRU Excellent Paper Award (MIRU優秀賞)
  3. MIRU Excellent Student Paper Award (MIRU学生優秀賞)
  4. MIRU Frontier Paper Award (MIRUフロンティア賞)
  5. MIRU Audience Award (MIRUオーディエンス賞)
  6. MIRU Interactive Presentation Award (MIRUインタラクティブ発表賞)
  7. MIRU Demo Presentation Award (MIRUデモ発表賞)
  8. MIRU Student Encouragement Award (MIRU学生奨励賞)
  9. MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award (論文評価貢献賞)

Selection of Awards

Article 4: The selection of each award shall be carried out by the program committee of that year.

  1. The program committee may delegate the selection of MIRU Nagao Award, MIRU Excellent Paper Award, MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award, and MIRU Frontier Award to an award committee. The award committee shall have a chairman. The chairman of the award committee shall be appointed by the program chair. The program chair may also appoint themselves as the chairman. The members of award committee shall be determined by the chairman.
  2. The program committee can reference audience votes on oral presentations, interactive poster presentations, and demonstrations in the selection progress.

MIRU Nagao Award

Article 5: The MIRU Nagao Award is established in memory of the achievements of Dr. Makoto Nagao. The award is presented to the author(s) (including co-authors) of one outstanding oral presentation, chosen from among particularly excellent presentations at the MIRU Symposium.

  1. The MIRU Nagao Award is awarded with an award certificate, price money, and a supplementary present.
  2. The price money is 100,000 JPY.

MIRU Excellent Paper Award

Article 6: The MIRU Excellent Paper Award is presented to author(s) (including co-authors) of particularly excellent presentations at the MIRU Symposium.

  1. The MIRU Excellent Paper Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award

Article 7: The MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award is presented to author(s) (including co-authors) of particularly excellent oral presentations at the MIRU Symposium, where the first author is a student during both submission and presentation time.

  1. The MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Frontier Paper Award

Article 8: The MIRU Frontier Paper Award is presented to the author(s) (including co-authors) of particularly excellent oral presentations at the MIRU Symposium, which have potential to bring the field as a whole forward.

  1. The MIRU Frontier Paper Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Audience Award

Article 9: The MIRU Audience Award is presented to the author(s) (including co-authors) of presentations, which were voted as excellent by a large number of MIRU participants.

  1. The MIRU Audience Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Interactive Presentation Award

Article 10: The MIRU Interactive Presentation Award is presented to the author(s) (including co-authors) of interactive poster presentations, which have particularly creative presentations or provide material for engaging discussions.

  1. The MIRU Interactive Presentation Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Demo Presentation Award

Article 11: The MIRU Demo Presentation Award is presented to the author(s) (including co-authors) of demo presentations which were particularly creative.

  1. The MIRU Demo Presentation Award is awarded with an award certificate and a supplementary present.

MIRU Student Encouragement Award

Article 12: The MIRU Student Encouragement Award is presented to the student author of oral presentations whose first author is a student at both submission and presentation time. Papers which have future prospects are awarded to encourage further research.

  1. Papers which are selected for the MIRU Nagao Award, MIRU Excellent Paper Award, MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award and MIRU Frontier Award are not eligible for selection to the MIRU Student Encouragement Award.
  2. The MIRU Student Encouragement Award is awarded with an award certificate only.

MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award

Article 13: The MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award is awarded to evaluators who provided excellent comments on oral presentation track papers.

  1. The MIRU Paper Evaluation Contribution Award is awarded with an award certificate only.

Awarding of Selection

Article 14: Each award shall be jointly presented by the MIRU Executive Committee Chair and Program Chair. The MIRU Nagao Award, MIRU Excellent Paper Award, MIRU Student Excellent Paper Award, and MIRU Frontier Award shall clearly state the reasons for their selection during their announcement.

Supplementary Provisions

  • (1) The MIRU Award Selection Criteria can be revised by the MIRU Promotion Committee.
  • (2) The revision from 2022/6/17 is applied from MIRU 2022 onwards.
  • (3) The revision from 2023/9/7 is applied from MIRU 2024 onwards. However, Article 5.3 applies to MIRU 2022 onwards.

Previous Changes (EN)

  • 2024/1/17: The first English version of the Award Selection criteria is based on the Japanese revision from 2023/9/7.

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